Natural royalty-free stock photo backgrounds

Natural backgrounds
For those of you looking for stock photo backgrounds of nature based content, we have you covered. Whether you are looking for, clouds, dried mud, foliage, water, or any other background photos from nature, we have them.
The vast majority of our natural backgrounds are sharp and in focus, however, we are now adding new, less obtrusive, out of focus style images to our collection. Much of the new content being added is exclusive to our site. Which is important, if you are creating something that you want to be uniquely yours. What do they call that? Oh, yeah, branding.

While I waffle on about exclusive content, let me explain if you see a watermark across one of our images that says exclusive. It is precisely that and hasn’t been distributed to any other library full-stop. Previously we had been supplying exclusive content to an external image library. However, we discovered they were re-distributing that exclusive content to a network of well-known providers as general content. Let’s just say, were are not amused.
But back to talking about background images. Most of you will realise that not every background image needs to be specifically created as a background. Generic street scenes and landscapes also make excellent visual relief in your designs. You will find plenty of the latter in our library.
To search our stock archive, both royalty-free and rights-managed content at Excitations-Stock. Learn more about our cookie policy here.